DISTRIBUTION: 285,000 Readers per Issue

Print: 100,000 quarterly copies per Issue.
50% Subscribers / 48% Newsstand / 2% Event
Internet: 150,000 RSS/web readers per bimonthly issue
Digital: 25,000 via Tablet and PDF versions per quarter
Application: 10,000 per Issue Downloads
on Apple App Store

Largest Retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million
& many other fine book & grocery stores

Live statistics available at http://www.RunwayLive.com/plesk-stat/webstat/

Prime Placement = better conversions

Runway is sent to over 1000 celebrities and is loaded on many private jets at our cost so we remain in front of the right consumers.

Runway is also given away at fashion shows and trade shows where there are qualified buyers.

Runway is distributed to newsstands worldwide by Kable Distribution, one of the worlds largest magazine distributers.

Runway is distributed digitally by Apple, Google Play, Amazon and Runway Internet.

By expert strategic placement into more luxurious locations we are able to market your product to a more qualified consumer.